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Buyers Frequently Asked Questions


  • I want to Buy a Home, where should I start?

Start to think about how much yo can afford in mortgage payment, the size of home you will need, where you would like to live and what amenities or areas you would like to be close to. You should also get pre-qualified for a mortgage - ask your Realtor.

  • Why should I choose a Real Estate Agent?

A real estate agent is a trained professional who has the knowledge and knows the rules as it relates to real estate. Since real estate is probably the largest investment that you will probably make, you need an experienced real estate on your side who is skilled and has the resources to assist you.

  • What area should I choose?

Choose one that you will be happy and comfortable in. You should consider the schools, public and private transportation, shopping, libraries, museums, parks or other things you consider important. Your Realtor should be able to point you to resources to look into.

  • What should I ask my Realtor about the community I am interested in?

You should ask if they have a Homeowners Association and the fees and rules for it. You should ask about property taxes and comparable home prices.

  • What questions should I ask when looking at homes?

You should focus on questions that seek answers to potential problems and maintenance issues. Does anything need to be replaced such as the paint, roof, HVAC, appliances, carpet, plumbing or electrical? Also, you should ask about the house and neighborhood. It is recommended that you make a list of questions ahead of time.

  • I have found a home, how do I make an offer?

An offer is made to the seller who can accept or reject it. This is where the assistance of your Realtor is very important in making the offer to the seller with all the legal paperwork required. Your Realtor will make an offer which may include the following information:

  • A Legal description of the property 
  • Amount of earnest money (Deposit) 
  • Down payment and financing details 
  • Proposed move-in date 
  • Price you are offering 
  • Proposed closing date 
  • Length of time the offer is valid 
  • Details of the deal 
  • Conditions or Contingencies


1. What is your Budget?

How much can you really afford taking into consideration your other expenses. You should spend some time on this to ensure you are not over-extending yourself.

2. Get Pre-approved for your Mortgage. You will be in an advantegeous position by getting pre-approved for a mortgage so that we can make a serious offer on your dream home. Sellers are more interested in accepting offers for pre-qualified buyers.

3. Hire a Real Estate Agent. You may personally know alot about real estate but not as much as a good Realtor. They can send you many listings based on your requirements and also help you tremendously in getting all the necessary paperwork completed properly. They will ensure that the seller make all the required disclosures and also schedule viewing, inspections and the closing to make sure everything is okay. Your Realtor will also be able to detect any overpricing or other abnormalities. Your agent will look at comparable sales and new market conditions in determining if the home price is within the current market trend.  

4. Location. Don't make the mistake of buying a georgeous house in the wrong neighborhood. Ensure you investigate the area's crime rate, schools and property values before you buy.

4. Due Diligence. Always insist on a home inspection by a qualified inspector. This will be money well spent to detect any major problems or potential problems. Ensure you ask any and all questions you may have.